At the November 15 Marion County Commission Meeting, Solid Waste Director Mark Johnson and Solid Waste Resources Liaison Lucy Flores kicked off an anti-litter campaign in Marion County.
The anti-litter campaign is the result of discussion by the Litter Task Force initiative. The Litter Task Force was an advisory board created in 2021 at the request of Commissioner Craig Curry. The purpose of the task force was to “enlist the entire community in an effort to eradicate litter and illegal dumping, while changing the mindset and behavior of those that live, work, and play within Marion County.”
Some highlights from the anti-litter campaign kickoff included a recap of what is being done now in Marion County to eradicate litter, as well as a timeline of upcoming action items including a mascot, a litter-free pledge, billboards, bus wraps, and informational QR code cards to educate the public. Another significant portion of the campaign includes an initiative with Marion County Public Schools to help educate the community on the negative affects litter has on our environment.
At the commission meeting, the board also established a uniform procedure for managing Ordinance 22-30 related to litter and junk among all enforcement officers and departments. In coordination with the State Attorney, the County Attorney and the Sheriff’s Attorney, the County Administrator’s office drafted the policy which provides for the training and qualifications of all Marion County non-law-enforcement employees who are designated to enforce this ordinance.
The full presentation, action items and policy related to the ordinance, as well as the Litter-Free pledge can all be found at:
Marion County invites our community to step up, pick it up, and don't litter to help keep Marion County beautiful for generations to come. |